The Government of Jamaica

National Youth Council of Jamaica

The National Youth Council of Jamaica is the umbrella organisation for youth clubs across Jamaica, which seeks to foster youth participation at the community level, and advocate for youth participation in all levels of governance through providing assistance in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of government policy regarding youth.


Membership is open to any youth organization provided that:

  • It is non-partisan;
  • It is voluntary;
  • It has a minimum of fifteen members exclusive of the Executive;
  • Seventy-five percent of its members are between the ages of 15 and 29
  • It has an elected executive;
  • It has a set of rules and regulations consistent with the Council’s constitution, and
  • The main focus of the organization is promotion of positive youth interest and development.

Please note that by the term “Youth Club” or “Youth Organization”, referred to are the following groups: non-political community youth clubs, sports clubs, faith-based organizations, uniformed youth organizations, special interest youth groups, or civic youth groups.

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